But first...Here's my faithful boy, Zutchka....

This is for my new acquaintance, Rebecca J. Fleming, who shares my 'hund liebe', and her faithful boy, Judgemental Dog.
I've been plodding along in edits this week, having completed a second read-through of the first seven chapters in Claiming The Prize. This is not the sort of reading one imagines, (except for fellow writers who know exactly what I'm about to say...) conjuring the sight of a favorite reading nook, perfect lamp light shining on your page, a hot cup of tea on the nearby table, maybe a pillow behind your back to add coziness as you anticipate losing yourself in a delicious story. This is the careful, word by word inspection of sentence after sentence, training your eye to seek out any mistakes.
It's amazing how the brain works. At least my brain - for it doesn't want to find mistakes. It wants to skip over a double word, it wants to ignore finding 'he' when clearly the word should be 'her'. It's as if I have a built-in 'auto-correct' in my head. This makes my task harder than I'd prefer. So, I progress slowly and read over the same paragraph at least twice.
At this point I'd like to say that I don't blame any of you who have been through this process for snickering - just a bit - at my dismay. It's part of the adventure. When I'm at the top of this mountain, I'll soak in the panoramic view and sigh contentedly, but right now, I'm nursing the cuts and scrapes of climbing. And what I mean by that is I'm cursing myself for not keeping that eye appointment to have my prescription ...ahem....augmented. (Can I use augmented here? Oh, well, I'm going to. It sounds more humorous than updated or increased.)
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it.
Groucho Marx
I'm nearing the end of chapter six in Her Dark Baron. My goal is to complete a chapter a week, so I should be ahead of myself in this arena. Four or five chapters to go!! I'm watching my step as I go, not wanting to turn my dark, dangerous baron into a 'nancy-boy' now that he begins to fall in love. I hate when that happens. Well, not on my watch! Ha!
Pouring through information on the 1600's via my great friend, Google, I have to say that a few facts I'm searching for seem almost non-existent! For example, I wanted to determine if the term gentlemen - or the term good sir - was more prevalent during this time. No luck yet. Also, I have read countless articles on castle layouts, inner rooms, family quarters - yet can find nothing to pin down when the move from conducting business in the great hall to a separate meeting chamber began. I admit to being less than efficient at Internet surfing, but can I be this bad?? I guess so. So, at least for now, the separate meeting chamber will remain in the novella. I'm partial to it and hope it proves out.
In the news ....and my travels.....
By now everyone has heard that Borders will be closing all its stores. There was one nearby, and I picked up a few great deals on bargain books. Death On The Nile, Agatha Christie, a vampire novel, an historical romance, and two highlander novels sit ready for me to devour. (If I ever finish this editing...) I haven't read an Agatha Christie mystery in a few years, and I miss the old gal. I think I'll tackle that one first.....or maybe one of those strapping highlanders...Yikes! Do they make them like that anymore?
I also found a few books to broaden my horizons ~ I'll save these for when I'm having an 'intellectual moment'.........(I've actually had this first one for awhile....I started it, but set it aside while working on my novels. It's time to get back to it!)
The Post American World, Fareed Zakaria
Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy
I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book.
Groucho Marx
The Brazen Broads posted their cover Cheers & Jeers. Where do they find these? Anyway, it's a good laugh.
Astraea Press is featuring a number of books that in purchasing, readers can help offer much needed aid for the victims of the Alabama tornadoes and Japan's earthquake. Stop by and spend a few dollars! Not only will you get a good read, you'll be doing good for others.
Visit around this week to see what other ROW80 participants are up to. Best wishes for a great week ~ Nadja