It is the last day of November, 2011. Are you ready for December?
Unbelievable, eh?
I'll be starting off with a bang! And, the fun will continue right to the very last day of 2011! Here's how my final month of this year is shaping up.
What are your big events for December?
- Seven year old birthday! (Luckily, the school is having a party with Santa on the birthday night and little man wants to attend - Voila! Instant birthday night fun - and no kids in my house! It doesn't get better than that.)
Better get those Christmas Cards addressed and ready to mail out!
...baking all those holiday goodies...Mmm-mmm-hhmmm!
and another birthday celebration - our oldest this time!
New Year Countdown...
Whew! Lots to do.
Writing Goals and Updates...
As I listed above, I will publish Her Dark Baron in the next few days. I need to go over a final read-through or two before I click that button! I am so ready!
My first novel featured a couple with high ideals and sweet dispositions. This novella has an entirely different vibe! The title says it all, and I'm excited to get this published.
You may have noticed on my sidebar...I'm a NaNoWriMo winner! I cannot believe it! (Good thing they give you that badge and helps you believe...ha!) Congrats to everyone who took part in this challenge. The pace is a bit grueling, but it gets you up and out of your comfort zone splendidly. And a special shout out to all my writing buddies who've hit that 50K mark!
What have other ROW80 authors been up to this week? Click the link to visit around and find out. Happy Wednesday, everyone. ~ Nadja