05 June 2013

Balancing Flawed Characters

In my most recent novel, I wrote a character with mental illness into the story line.  Readers have responded with great enthusiasm for this 'real character with real problems who wasn't put away'.  I'll admit, I was wary to craft Opal Grey so openly, concerned that her portrayal be balanced.  Opal, in her own way, does love her offspring, her husband, and her friends; mental illness distorts that love.  Families have issues.  Family members, while loving the afflicted, pay a price.  Addiction is another prevalent illness in society, often stuffed under the rug, hidden, covered-up - its effects on family deep-reaching and devastating.  The struggle is not only with the addiction itself, but the consequences of addictive behavior.  Poor financial decisions, erratic behavior, and betrayal plague spouse and children.  I plan to delve into addiction in a future novel - from multiple perspectives.

Reading is an escape, yet we need flawed characters to experience their story.  The art is in crafting balance - portraying a character with real problems while leaving their humanity intact.

What issues would you like to see explored through characters?        

                ~ Nadja


  1. There are so many issues to consider with it comes to flawed characters. Delving into characters with physical disabilities can be quite the challenge as well.

    1. For sure! It would require a lot of detail to write in all that goes along with a physical disability. I read a story in which the main character was blind once...it made me think about all the things I do ...and take for granted at being able to do.
      Thanks, Angela!

  2. There are drug issues, sexual issues, abuse issues...so many! I wrote one character in Haunted Lake who was physically scarred as well as somewhat emotionally scarred. He is still my favorite character of all I've written. Flaws are what makes your characters real, I think.

    1. Abuse issues would be in my top pics to write about, Lauralynn. It is so prevalent - and so taboo as well.
      Haunted Lake was such a wonderful story - and I know I've told you before, but I loved that character you speak of.
