This is what it looks like in Scranton, PA this fine morning. I'll bet the upper tier is something to see! Just yesterday, those flowers had their blooms. I'm sad to see them go...sigh. Zutchka is LOVING this snow, which is his first! He chased snowflakes, romped, plowed his nose through, and ran wildly back and forth across the yard ALL DAY yesterday. He likes the colder weather, and apparantly downright cold weather, too. Ha!
Fellow ROW80 Author, E.A. West, is hosting her first ever promotion! Let's show our support!

- I am a thirty-something mom of two...sometimes three depending on how the hubby is acting:) I love to constantly think of stories to write and every once in a while those ideas make it to the computer. I have no college degree (as of yet), no special credentials--just a love of writing. Maybe lil' ole me can make it in this writing biz with just my mind and an outlet. If I'm super lucky I can help some other newbies along the way. I love, in no particular order: zombie stories, reading anything to take me out of real life for a bit, watching storms on the front porch, sunsets, making new friends and my family. I blog on Tuesday and Friday or whenever I am dying to spill the beans about something.
The typing goes on...
I've hit the halfway marker in Her Dark Baron. Honestly, I think I've added about 5-6K, but who is counting? I'm excited about the changes I've made, too. I cannot wait for beta feedback on this story! I'd probably be further along, but I've had a rough week. The boys had Harvest Parties at school, loads of homework, I had to drive my older son to work and home a few nights (Uhhmm...I go to bed around 9:30 usually. This required me to pick him up at 11. Needless to say, I felt like a zombie from Wednesday on.), and my Dad landed in the hospital. (He's going to be fine even though he's still in there - and I cannot leave him up there without a daily visit!) It's times like these that I think a laptop would be a good investment...hhmmm.
NaNo Countdown...
I've just about completed my prep work for NaNo! Woo-hoo! I need to name all my secondary characters, which is a fun but daunting process - for me. Names are so influential, in my opinion, of how we view a person or character. Choosing the one that will convey the associations I wish is one of the greatest challenges for me. For starters, no one is likely to have the same 'feelings' about names as I do. Secondly, unless I work the meaning of the given name into the story, it is equally unlikely that the reader will know the name's meaning and therefore, the back story it would evoke. Last of all, selecting a name that is 'different' or 'ethnic' can be just the right fit - or it can backfire. It's a very fine line we writers walk in this naming business... Ha!
How about you? Is naming characters your favorite part of 'setting your stage' or the most difficult? How do you choose the names for your characters?
Please excuse me during November....I'm thrilled. I'm terrified. I'm beyond ready to get started. I'm wishing I had another week to prepare.
If I am slow to visit around, it's because I'm giving my all to hitting that word count for NaNo. I always visit back, follow back, and link-back - I just might be doing it at a slower pace :} Thanks, everyone! ~ Nadja