30 September 2013

Autumn Ambition

Happy Fall! 

 Fiery hues littered across tree-covered mountainsides make my heart sing, and autumn in NEPA always delivers a spectacular show. The leaves are just beginning their transformation. This season brings about my return to the kitchen, with soups, pastas, pumpkin and cinnamon filling my home with mouth-watering aromas.  An additional benefit of the season (for me) is the desire to curl up with notebook and pencil.  School days necessitate my schedule be ship-shape.  Oddly, the more I have to accomplish, the more organized I become, which brings about even greater productivity.  With that being said, I've (finally!) devised a set of goals - and am brave enough to post them.  Here goes.

*  Complete 10 remaining chapters in current historical novel.

*  Title historical novel.

*  Begin image search for cover design and submit to the fabulous Elaina Lee at ForTheMuseDesign.

*  Outline a contemporary novella.

I've got big dreams; an adventure is in the making...

12 September 2013

The Essence Of A Broken Heart

Good Morning Fellow Readers And Writers!

In my current WIP, Julianna, my heroine, must suffer the turbulent emotions of a broken heart.  Capturing the essence of heartbreak with words is a mighty endeavor...lol.  Each of us experiences this pain differently based on personality, past experience, world-view, and concurrent circumstances!  If all else in life is going along smashingly, a broken heart is merely one negative amid much happiness; however, in poor Julianna's journey she must face what she believes to be her family's betrayal and abandonment as well.  Conjuring these volatile emotions and capturing them within words is the challenge of the week for this author.  

Has your heart ever been broken?  What emotion(s) prevailed?  What brought you peace and enabled you to move forward?  Feel free to share the good, bad and ... downright ridiculous!  (And a dark sense of humor is welcome, too! Ha!)

While I subscribe to this way of dealing with a broken heart...my heroine will take a much different approach.  Enjoy a blast from the past with White Lion's Broken Heart...

 Wish me success as I head off to Nadja's World  (my best loved writing spot)...and explore The Essence Of A Broken Heart.

 ~ Nadja