10 July 2011

The Onset of a New Round.........

Gains And Goals..........

Hello to everyone at A Round of Words in 80 Days !  I am just beginning my round, as I have been gallivanting across the state visiting my parents, numerous siblings, and hosting company too!

Whew!  It's great to have family in for visits, but it's also nice to get back to my normal routine.  I am currently typing chapter eleven in my novel, Claiming The Prize.  I plan to have the entire novel typed before the end of July, and I will have my own first read through/critique completed.  Then, it's off to my critique partner/editor/beta readers for their read through/thoughts/corrections/suggestions.  I hope to have it back in my hands by August 13, 2011.  I will complete a second read through after making any necessary edits, and repeat the process one final time before I upload to Create Space.  It is very important to me to publish a 'clean' novel.  No spelling errors, no grammar errors, no, no, no!  So, I whisper a little prayer for my eyes to be like those of a hawk!  Does anyone else feel a little panicky when realizing that their book's reputation is resting solely on their own shoulders?  Well, I admit to feeling just a wee-bit that way when I think too much about it.  

My other goals for this round are to complete my novella, Her Dark Baron.  I am enjoying writing this novella so much!  But with the typing and editing along with my first experience uploading and formatting to the various sites, I must set a goal, or the little novella will continue to sit on my desk, untouched. 

First things first....I'd better get back to that typing.  Have a great week everyone!
~ Nadja


  1. Yes, definitely panicky! And every time I find an error I just want to... do... things... argh!

    But then, after counting to ten or fifty-seven, I go leaf through one of my beloved professionally published books, and still find errors. They're like roaches and twinkies: even a nuke can't completely knock them out.

    I feel ya on family travels, too. We've been making the tour of our state on account of weddings. Thankfully, the season is almost over. Don't get me wrong, they're fun and all. Just... I work better within a routine.

    Best of luck on knocking your goals out of the park! Keep ROW'ing!

  2. Sounds like you're doing great! I'd panic too - especially over the copy editing. Good luck [g]

  3. Great goals. I'm sure you'll do great. It is a bit harder when everything rest on your shoulders. My # 1 pet peeve is misspellings so I would probably be proofreading everything to death. Hard to let go, but good thing to have extra eyeballs to look at it before it goes out. Good luck with your goals this round. Happy writing!

  4. Congratulations on getting off to a great start!

    Getting critiques back is scary, I agree...who was it who said that the difference between a finished work and an unfinished work is merely the decision to step away? Well, I don't know who said it, but I think it's true. The revision process is important, but to some extent never-ending...

  5. *sigh* Grammar errors will always be there. Just accept it. I got someone to proof edit mine, and my friend still found errors after the book came out. Thank goodness ebooks are easy to fix!!

  6. Matt....I couldn't have said it better! Yes, I want to do ...things...lol.
    I'll be panicking for the next few weeks, I better get used to it!
    Hope you all are having a great week! ~ Nadja

  7. Congrats on the progress, especially with all of the traveling and visiting that you've done! I'm taking off for the first family trip in 3 years (I'll be celebrating my parents' 25th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas) on Wednesday, and I am sure that it will interrupt my writing flow. Still, it's good to have some exciting events to shake things up!

    Have a great start to your week!

  8. Thanks Jamila! And have a safe, wonderful time on your vacation. Shaking things up is usually a good thing, it 'gets my blood up'.
    ~ Nadja
