17 August 2011

Checking In ~ 17 August, 2011

Oh!  It's So Sparkly & Shiny..........

A full six chapters are completely edited in Claiming The Prize!  Hmmmm, that only leaves fifteen to go...  There's a 'do-able' amount of work to be done in the time frame I've set.  Admittedly, (blushes) I am the queen of the comma splice.  I love commas!  It's a sickness...
Stacey, you're terrific!  You may buy (or sew) a giant, comma shaped pillow and smack me with it when we meet up.

Alright.  Here's how my goals are matching up. 
I have edited all week.  Afternoons, evenings, nights...I was plunked in my chair before the computer screen. 
...Oh, wait.  That's all I've accomplished!  Ha!

I haven't done much else.    This is how I feel about all this editing!

It's short and sweet this Wednesday.  ROW80 check-ins here.....Click to see what every one's been up to the first half of the week. ~ Nadja


  1. Well done on the six chapters you have edited, one more and you are a third of the way through! Keep up the good work and I hope you have another successful editing week!

  2. I've been known to say to an editor: "Kill the commas! All of them. OH, THE COMMANITY!"

    Then, I'm assured it really isn't as bad as all that. :-)

  3. Glad to see that I'm not the only comma-crazy writer in the world! And I'm so happy to hear that the editing is going well. You're making great progress!

  4. Awesome work, Nadja! Six chapters, "that's all I did this week", that is a tremendous amount.

    Have a great week :)

  5. Ha! Oh the commanity!......I'm going to add that phrase to my vocabulary for sure and pass it along to my editor...too funny.
    I was finishing up all (well, almost) the school shopping today, so I'll be visiting around tomorrow.
    Hope you're all having a great week so far ~ Nadja

  6. The comma's actually got better toward the end of the book...it's like a comma virus got loose when you were writing the beginning :)

    And I think that you should bring the pillow. LOL!

  7. I'm on it, Apple. Seriously, I'm going to see if I can find one. It could be more fun than I've had in quite awhile.....
    Hope you enjoyed your day of 'the bare minimum'! Nadja

  8. Ah, the comma-splice! An English prof of mine write "AUGGH!" by each of mine all the way through Shakespeare one semester--that helped!

    I'm with Gene--ALL you did? Pulleeeze, woman, that's fantastic. I hope your weekend motors along well.


  9. Nancy ~ Thanks!;) And those comma splices......AUGGH! Yes, I think those letters are a good phonetic fit for my utterances.
    The fact that I am the queen of comma splices makes me feel 'some type of way'.....!?
    ~ Nadja
