My family has strong military ties. My maternal grandfather served in the U.S. Army during WWII in the European Theatre. My great-uncle was commissioned an officer in the field during that same war. My father served in the U.S. Navy. My step-father served in the Navy and spent time in Vietnam as a medic on river patrol boats. My husband was also in the Navy as was his father. Thankfully, all returned home safely. This is not true for all servicemen or women. Now, our daughter is serving our country in the U.S. Navy as well.
When we debate the issues that our nation faces, let us remember that many of our countrymen died to maintain the freedom to do just that! We may bicker, argue, protest, support, plant signs in our yards, and say or write what we want to because someone fought and gave their life to protect that right. Without their sacrifices, their bravery, their willingness to accept the call to protect and defend, we might not be in a position to give voice to our mind's thoughts, dreams, or hopes.
Remember them.
Novel News
Claiming The Prize is nearing completion. I will not stay within my original 80,000 word goal, but will most likely end up between 82,000-85,000 words. I have only 15 pages to reach my estimated 310 pages, and I'm not sure I'll be able to finish in quite so few sheets of paper. You'll not hear a complaint out of me. I'm ecstatic to have had so much material to write into the story. (Besides, maybe editing will 'clean it up' a little.......)
Chapter two is just about finished in Her Dark Baron! Allowing myself 25,000 words in this first novella is shaping up to be a fantastic goal. I plotted out ten chapters of ten pages each, which will produce about 20,000 words. The additional 5,000 are bonus 'freebies' that I can utilize if/when necessary. Chapter two is one of those scenes that require a bit more......maybe 500 extra or so.
Through conversation with a fellow writer and friend, I am learning a great deal about the various formatting requirements needed to upload one's work for publishing. Generally, I learn by doing, so it all sounds like 'Greek' to me at this point. Once I navigate this daunting process I'm sure it will seem quite simple, but right now, 'sweating bullets' is an apt term to describe my feelings about this upcoming task.
Writing such different 'heroes' in my two current projects is absolutely satisfying. One is open and straightforward, the other is dark, haunted - if you will-, and mysterious. It provides me options, and I like options. It also allows me to continue working when I need to think out a scene in one project. My husband asked me this week if it is confusing to maintain two separate story lines in my mind simultaneously. For me this hasn't been a problem (at least not yet...). So I ask, " Do you write more than one story at a time? And if so, has it ever been a problem for you?"
Have a great week of writing everyone. Don't forget to stop by fellow Round of Words participant's blog pages!
~ Nadja