28 September 2011

What About Wednesday?

Wednesday's Goods...
...And Not So Goods...

So...I'm sitting, Butt-In-Chair ready for serious work...(reference 'butt-in-chair' - Deniz Bevin), smelling up the room (okay, the entire house) with the smell of Icy-Hot and popping Advil like Pez-candies.  In some super-natural feat from the contortionist's handbook, I managed to sleep with my neck at such an angle as to render myself albiet worthless for much more than whiny, menthol wafting, nuisance status today. 

Oh!  In that case, I'll blog!  Terrific! (Swallows two more tablets of pain reliever and slathers generous dollop of slimy blue-green substance on left side of neck/shoulder) Where's my personal masseuse?  Oh, wait..that's right...I don't have one of those.  Shitsky.

Work On The Writing Front...

I've completed chapter nine in the novella I'm currently working on!  That means...I'm on the final chapter.  Woot-woot!  I want to have this wrapped up in the next week or so to begin edits.  This little number will have some serious work to get it ready for release.  I've mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again.  Once I stepped away from this project, it seems that my 'voice' within the piece switched gears.  When I returned to it after finishing up edits on my novel, I struggled to pick up where I left off.  This was an interesting development.   It leaves me wondering if I'll have continued issues in the future if I have to leave a project on the shelf for any length of time. 

Blogs Of Interest...

Roland Yeoman's Death Of Reading is a fabulous post, well worth the time to read!

The Wild Writers featured author, Cheryl Reifsnyder's post on Where (And How) To Find A Critique Group.
My Photo  This post houses a wealth of information, as well as questions we need to explore when seeking a critique group that will satisfy our wants and needs.  I was so impressed with it!

Work On The Reading Front...

I finished The Binder's Daughter, by fellow ROW80 author, Matt Hofferth earlier this week!  It's great to be reading the books that we've all been working on over these last few rounds!  Interested in a paranormal thriller that isn't of the traditional romance variety?  Then you'll love this book.  (And if you do love the romance varieties, like me, I'll let you know that I managed to romanticize a secondary character to my liking quite nicely, thank you very much.)
The Binder's Daughter  I'll warn you, though.  Once you commit to this book, you'll be chomping at the bit for the next in the series, which isn't out yet!  Don't worry, I'll harrass er, I mean encourage the author to get working on it ASAP.  Ha!

Hope you are all having a productive and satisfying week! ~ Nadja


  1. I pray that your neck soon un-kinks. I hate when I do that to myself!

    Thank you so very much for the signpost to my blog on your own. You have the back of your cyber friends -- which is a great thing.

    As for WIP's : In the midst of my sequel to THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH, I was plotting and writing in one direction, when Victor tapped me on the muse, whispering, "Hey, that didn't happen! Alice and I were time-janked to Congo Square of the New Orleans of 1826! This is what happened ....

    Writing is odd for me like that. LOL. Have a lovely day, Roland

  2. Ha! Learning to love it when I get a similiar 'tap' on the shoulder...now that I'm getting used to it, that is.
    As for the neck..Oy! ~ Nadja

  3. Sending more Icy Hot your way :-) Hope things get better soon.

    Good that you're not letting a little paiin get you down. Write on!

  4. We must have the same ghost punching us while we sleep; my neck is killing me today too!

    Thanks for the shoutout and congrats on the work. I need to keep my butt in the chair and finish my WIP so I can get to that sequel everyone seems to be bugging me about all of a sudden :-D.

    If it helps, I do have a rough batch of notes going, so I should hit the ground running... but damn this day job!

  5. I actually left work early today to go to the chiropractor for my neck, back, and the beginnings of a migraine. I hope your neck can relax and start feeling better very soon.

  6. Roland, Angela, Matt, & Joshua....from your lips to God's ears, eh? I've hit the 'limit' of times one is supposed to apply Icy-Hot to one's flesh in a 24 hour period... Uhhmmm.. I'll be ignoring that recommendation.

    And yes, Joshua, I seem to be developing a headache, too. Good Grief! Feel better yourself, because this is awful! :(

    Matt - We must be operating on the same weird wavelength. Ha! It's those action scenes we're conjuring for our next books. Maybe I was acting them out in my sleep... Now if you could find a way to make it a pain-free wavelength, I'd be most appreciative.

    ~ Nadja

  7. lol I'll work on that.



  8. I'm so sorry your neck is hurting. I've had that same problem before and it's awful! But I'm glad you're getting stuff done on the writing front. Yay you!

    I bought The Binder's Daughter and can't wait to read it. Your book is also on my list. :)

  9. Hope the neck and everything gets better! I completely understand the losing momentum on one work whilst tuning another.

  10. Hello! Just a quick note to let you know that I passed along the Versatile Blogger award to you on my blog earlier today.


    Thank you for having a great blog!

  11. I'm sorry about your neck pain. I hope you're feeling better.

    I'll check out the links.

  12. Thanks for the 'get-well' wishes. The neck is a bit better today, although I'm still hot and heavy with the Icy-Hot. Ahhhhh....such fire, such ice. I'm in heaven ...until it wears off.
    Thanks for the award, Michael!
    And Medeia...I sure hope I'm a winner! :)
    ~ Nadja

  13. Congratulations on getting to the last chapter! Butt in chair works wonders, sort of. I was slow today, but finally finished typing up all my edits!

  14. Oh! Congrats, Deniz:) It feels great, doesn't it? ~ Nadja
