This week Elizabeth asks, "Who has been most supportive of your writing?"
The addition of the word 'most' makes answering this question a near impossiblility. My husband is pretty supportive...(he believes I will sell a million books and facilitate his early retirement. Most likely pipe dreams, but I love that he dreams big! That's support.) My fantastic friend Leslie has been a great listener and willing test subject, which are two invaluable assets as I make my way through this novel. My sister, Rachel, is unmatched when it comes to discussing ideas, plots, and conflicts. You can always trust your sister (well, at least this brutally honest sister) to give it to you straight. Whether she advises, "Shread it and try again, chickie," or "Love it! Keep it!" you know you're getting her honest opinion. Last but certainly not least is my brother, Mark. Extremely intelligent, creatively gifted, and analytical, my brother takes in my words and examines them. He notices things I miss. He gives a reader's perspective. He asks how much I've written, how my writing is going, if I'm meeting my goals; he tells me that I can do this - and that I do it well.
These pillars of support work in tandem, together forming the 'most' that I cannot relate into a singular person. ~ Nadja